• Dan Steeves, 10 Years On 5/15, 1994
    10 Years On 5/15, 1994CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, A Good and Safe Place to Be, 13/15, 1997
    A Good and Safe Place to Be, 13/15, 1997CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, A healing place, 2006
    A healing place, 2006CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, A huge part of the journey right now 2/15, 2016
    A huge part of the journey right now 2/15, 2016CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, A Journey of Healing 13/15, 2010
    A Journey of Healing 13/15, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, A kind of awe and reverence and wonder, 2005
    A kind of awe and reverence and wonder, 2005CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, A large overarching story 11/13, 2014
    A large overarching story 11/13, 2014CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, a natural unforced confidence 13/16, 2019
    a natural unforced confidence 13/16, 2019CAD 1550.00
  • Dan Steeves, a new depth of richness 11/14, 2019
    a new depth of richness 11/14, 2019CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, A Note of Promise Hangs Over it All 13/14, 2000
    A Note of Promise Hangs Over it All 13/14, 2000CAD 1,550.00
  • Dan Steeves, A Primal Affirmation of Life 3/15, 2010
    A Primal Affirmation of Life 3/15, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, A Primal Affirmation of Life 6/15, 2010
    A Primal Affirmation of Life 6/15, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, A Remarkable Experience of Grace 3/16, 2005
    A Remarkable Experience of Grace 3/16, 2005CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, A Way of Treachery and Trouble, But Just as Surely a Way to Hope 16/16, 2003
    A Way of Treachery and Trouble, But Just as Surely a Way to Hope 16/16, 2003CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Aberdeen, 2/15, 1995
    Aberdeen, 2/15, 1995CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Acknowledging the Darkness 11/13, 2014
    Acknowledging the Darkness 11/13, 2014CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, After all my struggles to feel comfortable 14/15, 2008
    After all my struggles to feel comfortable 14/15, 2008CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Again, a pure gift of grace, 2/16, 2006
    Again, a pure gift of grace, 2/16, 2006CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Allow thoughts and experiences to accumulate over time 13/13, 2008
    Allow thoughts and experiences to accumulate over time 13/13, 2008CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, An ever broadening horizon 7/14, 2010
    An ever broadening horizon 7/14, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, An ever broadening horizon 9/14, 2010
    An ever broadening horizon 9/14, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, an unusually full season 13/16, 2019
    an unusually full season 13/16, 2019CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Announcing my eventual departure 2/13, 2016
    Announcing my eventual departure 2/13, 2016CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Closure, 2/16, 1995
    Closure, 2/16, 1995CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Constantly renewed 10/10, 2021
    Constantly renewed 10/10, 2021CAD 1,550.00
  • Dan Steeves, Crosses We Bear, 9/18, 1990
    Crosses We Bear, 9/18, 1990CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Crossing a Threshold 13/16, 2009
    Crossing a Threshold 13/16, 2009CAD 5,850.00
  • Dan Steeves, Cultivating a sense of being settled is always dangerous 2/16, 2016
    Cultivating a sense of being settled is always dangerous 2/16, 2016CAD 2,100.00
  • Dan Steeves, Demise of the North American Family, 15/25, 1989
    Demise of the North American Family, 15/25, 1989CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, During this Season of Unsettling 6/15, 2001
    During this Season of Unsettling 6/15, 2001CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Epektasis 10/20, 1999
    Epektasis 10/20, 1999CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Familiar Voices, 8/18, 1993
    Familiar Voices, 8/18, 1993CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Fifteen stones 15/16, 2014
    Fifteen stones 15/16, 2014CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Free to ignore moments of restlessness in the mind, 1/15, 2006
    Free to ignore moments of restlessness in the mind, 1/15, 2006CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Good and Evil 3/16, 2010
    Good and Evil 3/16, 2010CAD 2,100.00
  • Dan Steeves, Having the freedom to shape my focus 2/16, 2016
    Having the freedom to shape my focus 2/16, 2016CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Her Works Bring Her Praise, 7/15, 1990
    Her Works Bring Her Praise, 7/15, 1990CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, How long will I have to wait until it becomes clear? 8/8, 2021
    How long will I have to wait until it becomes clear? 8/8, 2021CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, How Precarious This Place Of Creativity is For Me, 14/15, 2004
    How Precarious This Place Of Creativity is For Me, 14/15, 2004CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, How Puny My Pool of Grace Really Is 13/14, 2003
    How Puny My Pool of Grace Really Is 13/14, 2003CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, I can't let it distract me 2/14, 2016
    I can't let it distract me 2/14, 2016CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, I can't stop feeling there's something more 2/15, 2008
    I can't stop feeling there's something more 2/15, 2008CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, I feel the infusion of hope and peace, 1/15, 2006
    I feel the infusion of hope and peace, 1/15, 2006CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, I find my own place in these deep rhythms , 2004
    I find my own place in these deep rhythms , 2004CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, I hope you have moments when you take heart 12/15, 2012
    I hope you have moments when you take heart 12/15, 2012CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, I Know Too That We All Live in Flux of One Sort or Another 16/16, 2003
    I Know Too That We All Live in Flux of One Sort or Another 16/16, 2003CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, I Often Feel Like I'm Fighting to Survive 2/16, 2008
    I Often Feel Like I'm Fighting to Survive 2/16, 2008CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, I'm circling back 2/15, 2016
    I'm circling back 2/15, 2016CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, I'm less in control 10/10, 2021
    I'm less in control 10/10, 2021CAD 1550.00
  • Dan Steeves, I'm not sure where exactly we're headed 13/16, 2010
    I'm not sure where exactly we're headed 13/16, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, I've also felt the aftershocks 1/16, 2010
    I've also felt the aftershocks 1/16, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, I've also felt the aftershocks 5/16, 2010
    I've also felt the aftershocks 5/16, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, If the Weather Holds 5/12, 1996
    If the Weather Holds 5/12, 1996CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, impossible to deny 10/10, 2021
    impossible to deny 10/10, 2021CAD 1550.00
  • Dan Steeves, In the deep recesses of our hearts 2/16, 2016
    In the deep recesses of our hearts 2/16, 2016CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, In this new stage of life 8/8, 2021
    In this new stage of life 8/8, 2021CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, It is an Ancient Battle on the Fields of my Heart 16/16, 2003
    It is an Ancient Battle on the Fields of my Heart 16/16, 2003CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, It offered a more guarded and controllable sort of life, 1/15, 2006
    It offered a more guarded and controllable sort of life, 1/15, 2006CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, It takes a lot less to knock me out of kilter 3/14, 2008
    It takes a lot less to knock me out of kilter 3/14, 2008CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, It would feel like pure cowardice to pull out now 15/16, 2008
    It would feel like pure cowardice to pull out now 15/16, 2008CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, It's a ritual that's worked 13/16, 2010
    It's a ritual that's worked 13/16, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, It's Been a Remarkable Ride These Past Twenty Years 15/16, 2003
    It's Been a Remarkable Ride These Past Twenty Years 15/16, 2003CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, It's leaving a mark on me 13/16, 2019
    It's leaving a mark on me 13/16, 2019CAD 1550.00
  • Dan Steeves, It's pressing reality 1/16, 2010
    It's pressing reality 1/16, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, It's pressing reality 5/16, 2010
    It's pressing reality 5/16, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, It's tensions and contradictions 12/15, 2012
    It's tensions and contradictions 12/15, 2012CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Landscape suite # 1, 3/10, 2016
    Landscape suite # 1, 3/10, 2016CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, Landscape suite # 2, 3/10, 2016
    Landscape suite # 2, 3/10, 2016CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, Landscape suite # 3, 3/10, 2016
    Landscape suite # 3, 3/10, 2016CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, Landscape suite # 4, 3/10, 2016
    Landscape suite # 4, 3/10, 2016CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, Landscape suite # 5, 3/10, 2016
    Landscape suite # 5, 3/10, 2016CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, Landscape suite # 6, 4/10, 2016
    Landscape suite # 6, 4/10, 2016CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, Landscape suite # 7, 4/10, 2016
    Landscape suite # 7, 4/10, 2016CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, Landscape suite # 8, 3/10, 2016
    Landscape suite # 8, 3/10, 2016CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, Life flows both ways 13/16, 2019
    Life flows both ways 13/16, 2019CAD 1550.00
  • Dan Steeves, Like a large, mostly genial but unruly family 14/14, 2008
    Like a large, mostly genial but unruly family 14/14, 2008CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Living with the Weight of It 1/12, 2010
    Living with the Weight of It 1/12, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Living with the Weight of It 4/12, 2010
    Living with the Weight of It 4/12, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Marian's Strength 14/17, 1993
    Marian's Strength 14/17, 1993CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Most blind to what's closesst to us 10/13, 2012
    Most blind to what's closesst to us 10/13, 2012CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Mostly because of my own fears 13/16, 2012
    Mostly because of my own fears 13/16, 2012CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, My seeing was muted 10/10, 2021
    My seeing was muted 10/10, 2021CAD 1,550.00
  • Dan Steeves, Navigation 4/16, 2008
    Navigation 4/16, 2008CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, No Where to be Seen 1/16, 1998
    No Where to be Seen 1/16, 1998CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Noble's ShoesFirst Stage Proof, 1993
    Noble's ShoesFirst Stage Proof, 1993CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Nurtured by a certain kind of pace and rhythm 3/15, 2008
    Nurtured by a certain kind of pace and rhythm 3/15, 2008CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, often it feels like enough 12/15, 2019
    often it feels like enough 12/15, 2019CAD 1550.00
  • Dan Steeves, Part of the discomfort I've felt is the sense that I'm changing 14/16, 2008
    Part of the discomfort I've felt is the sense that I'm changing 14/16, 2008CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Perpending Midgic, 12/14, 1997
    Perpending Midgic, 12/14, 1997CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Presumed innocence 11/14, 2014
    Presumed innocence 11/14, 2014CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, quiet simple work, 2023
    quiet simple work, 2023
  • Dan Steeves, Realms of Consciousness 14/16, 2010
    Realms of Consciousness 14/16, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Recapture something that's missing 14/16, 2012
    Recapture something that's missing 14/16, 2012CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Reggie and Gracie 10/10, 2021
    Reggie and Gracie 10/10, 2021CAD 1550.00
  • Dan Steeves, Resolve 13/16, 2012
    Resolve 13/16, 2012CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Samuel, 9/20, 1988
    Samuel, 9/20, 1988CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Ship of Fools 1/15, 1998
    Ship of Fools 1/15, 1998CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Silence, 7/18, 1995
    Silence, 7/18, 1995CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, So basic, but so elusive 8/8, 2021
    So basic, but so elusive 8/8, 2021CAD 1550.00
  • Dan Steeves, Some Kind of Honest Rendering of the Stuff of our Lives, 6/14, 2004
    Some Kind of Honest Rendering of the Stuff of our Lives, 6/14, 2004CAD 3,150.00
  • Dan Steeves, Stepping into the new unknown 2/14, 2016
    Stepping into the new unknown 2/14, 2016CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, that deep rooting 11/14, 2019
    that deep rooting 11/14, 2019CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Burning of the Ledger, 7/13, 1992
    The Burning of the Ledger, 7/13, 1992CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Constancy of Change 13/17, 1994
    The Constancy of Change 13/17, 1994CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The fact is we had little idea of what we were getting into, 1/15, 2006
    The fact is we had little idea of what we were getting into, 1/15, 2006CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Fencing of the Table, 10/15, 1997
    The Fencing of the Table, 10/15, 1997CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Holiness of the Domestic 14/15, 2003
    The Holiness of the Domestic 14/15, 2003CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The hunger for recognition 13/16, 2019
    The hunger for recognition 13/16, 2019CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The illusions needed to be shaken, 2023
    The illusions needed to be shaken, 2023
  • Dan Steeves, The Last Home 10/15, 1995
    The Last Home 10/15, 1995CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The lines can get blurred 13/16, 2019
    The lines can get blurred 13/16, 2019CAD 1550.00
  • Dan Steeves, the loneliness of discernment 13/16, 2019
    the loneliness of discernment 13/16, 2019CAD 1550.00
  • Dan Steeves, The loss of a dream 12/15, 2019
    The loss of a dream 12/15, 2019CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Memory of Pain..12/14, 2010
    The Memory of Pain..12/14, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Mutability of Knowing Artist Proof 2.2 (1), 2012
    The Mutability of Knowing Artist Proof 2.2 (1), 2012CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Mutability of Knowing Artist Proof 2.2 (3), 2012
    The Mutability of Knowing Artist Proof 2.2 (3), 2012CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Mutability of Knowing Artist Proof 2.2 (4), 2012
    The Mutability of Knowing Artist Proof 2.2 (4), 2012CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Mutability of Knowing Artist Proof 2.2 (5), 2012
    The Mutability of Knowing Artist Proof 2.2 (5), 2012CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Mutability of Knowing Artist Proof 2.2 (6), 2012
    The Mutability of Knowing Artist Proof 2.2 (6), 2012CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Mutability of Knowing Artist Proof 2.2 (7), 2012
    The Mutability of Knowing Artist Proof 2.2 (7), 2012CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Mutability of Knowing 8 Artist Proof 2.2 , 2012
    The Mutability of Knowing 8 Artist Proof 2.2 , 2012CAD 350.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Nesting Impulse is Strong 16/16, 2000
    The Nesting Impulse is Strong 16/16, 2000CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The place of my deepest longing 10/10, 2021
    The place of my deepest longing 10/10, 2021CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The quiet and mostly hidden life 10/10, 2021
    The quiet and mostly hidden life 10/10, 2021CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The richness of the silence, 2/15, 2006
    The richness of the silence, 2/15, 2006CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Thought Can Needle, 15/16, 1997
    The Thought Can Needle, 15/16, 1997CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The upward push 13/16, 2012
    The upward push 13/16, 2012CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Waiting Game 10/10, 2021
    The Waiting Game 10/10, 2021CAD 1550.00
  • Dan Steeves, The way forward is the way back 2/15, 2016
    The way forward is the way back 2/15, 2016CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The weight of mutability 11/13, 2014
    The weight of mutability 11/13, 2014CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The Weight of the Calm 15/18, 1994
    The Weight of the Calm 15/18, 1994CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, The wishful thoughts come, 1/16, 2006
    The wishful thoughts come, 1/16, 2006CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, their season in the wilderness 11/14, 2012
    their season in the wilderness 11/14, 2012CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, There Are No Tidy Conclusions or Resolutions, 2/15, 2004
    There Are No Tidy Conclusions or Resolutions, 2/15, 2004CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, There aren't a lot of standing ovations 15/16, 2014
    There aren't a lot of standing ovations 15/16, 2014CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, There have been times when I've been indifferent 2/16, 2008
    There have been times when I've been indifferent 2/16, 2008CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, There's a lot I don't know 9/12, 2019
    There's a lot I don't know 9/12, 2019CAD 1550.00
  • Dan Steeves, These Are Significant Graces, 15/16, 2004
    These Are Significant Graces, 15/16, 2004CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, These planes of existence 5/13, 2010
    These planes of existence 5/13, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, These planes of existence 7/13, 2010
    These planes of existence 7/13, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Things We Put On A Hill, 3/15, 1995
    Things We Put On A Hill, 3/15, 1995CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, This deepening trust, 2016
    This deepening trust, 2016CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, this infusion of life 13/16, 2019
    this infusion of life 13/16, 2019CAD 1550.00
  • Dan Steeves, Uncharted Ground 13/16, 2012
    Uncharted Ground 13/16, 2012CAD 2,100.00
  • Dan Steeves, Vivid reminders of my mortality 1/14, 2010
    Vivid reminders of my mortality 1/14, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Vivid reminders of my mortality 5/14, 2010
    Vivid reminders of my mortality 5/14, 2010CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, walking the same road 10/10, 2021
    walking the same road 10/10, 2021CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, We know we've been given an incredible gift, 2/16, 2006
    We know we've been given an incredible gift, 2/16, 2006CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, We'd Be Safe From What Went Wrong 15/16, 2003
    We'd Be Safe From What Went Wrong 15/16, 2003CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, When I Remember Neil, 1/12, 1991
    When I Remember Neil, 1/12, 1991CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, When we're called to share not common pleasures but pain, 1/16, 2006
    When we're called to share not common pleasures but pain, 1/16, 2006CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Where grace has taken us 14/16, 2014
    Where grace has taken us 14/16, 2014CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Which isn't to say that all is clear now 2/16, 2016
    Which isn't to say that all is clear now 2/16, 2016CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Who will guard the door when I am sleeping? 9/13, 2006
    Who will guard the door when I am sleeping? 9/13, 2006CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, With Fresh and Desperate Urgency 2/16, 2000
    With Fresh and Desperate Urgency 2/16, 2000CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Withstanding the Flood 9/16, 1993
    Withstanding the Flood 9/16, 1993CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, Wrapped in Something so much Bigger, 5/16
    Wrapped in Something so much Bigger, 5/16CAD 1,050.00
  • Dan Steeves, A Healing Place, 1/16, 2006
  • Dan Steeves, A Kind of Awe and Reverence and Wonder 12/13, 2005
  • Dan Steeves, All of us are sailors adrift on its ancient swell, 1/15, 2006
  • Dan Steeves, Demise of the North American Family 6/25, 1989
  • Dan Steeves, I Find My Own Place In These Deep Rhythms, 1/14, 2004
  • Dan Steeves, Noble's ShoesSecond Stage Proof, 1993
  • Dan Steeves, Prosaic Landscape 12/14, 1997
  • Dan Steeves, Safe Passage 14/16, 1997
  • Dan Steeves, Sleep in the Storm 11/16, 1993
  • Dan Steeves, Sleep in the Storm 14/16, 2003
  • Dan Steeves, Some Kind of Honest Rendering of the Stuff of our Lives, 2/14, 2004
  • Dan Steeves, the hidden life 9/9, 2021
  • Dan Steeves, Things We Put On A Hill, 8/15, 1995
  • Dan Steeves, walking the same inevitable walk 10/10, 2021