Surfacing: Alek Bélanger • Bill Boyko • Charlotte Blake • Jacob Freeman • Ali Pilli • Jake Santos
Press Release
sur·face /ˈsərfəs/
verb: provide with a particular upper or outer layer
[intransitive] to suddenly appear or become obvious after having been hidden for a whileAbbozzo Gallery presents Surfacing, a group exhibition that pays attention to texture and finish and posits a series of artworks that convey a sense of desire, of danger, of almost-there, of looking through a glass darkly, and coming-to-light; of things almost seen and caught in state of transition. Playing on the double-meaning of surfacing - this show explores various artists employment of texture on their respective surfaces; in some cases, application of paint and brushstroke is thick, and self-evident, for others, no contact with the surface has even been made at all, and for a couple, the surface is the artwork. Also featured is the experimentation with blurred and obfuscated compositions and subject matter caught in in-between states, objects not quite fully breaching a plane, and suspended in mid- action - in some cases imbuing a constant unresolved tension between itself and its viewer.